Monday, March 21, 2011

The pictures illustrating this video show us that women are "oppressed" since their birth : they grow up in the atmosphere with a lot of rules established beforehand : to wear the pink and to play dolls when it's a girl, to wear heels and dresses when it's a woman, to have long hair, to wear make-up, to get married and to have children. The central idea of this speech is that the humor can make certain things change as far as feminist cause is concerned. And I'm agree with it, because it's not thanks to the violence (but thanks to the humor) that these changes can become reality. She is also totally right when she says that sense of humor change according to one's culture. For example French and English people are neighbours but as for me I laugh only when the French joke and I really can't understand the english sense of humor.
But to my mind no matter the nation, the humor is already appreciated.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Pagan" beliefs.

I had my first love when I was at school. His name was Cerguei. I was secretly in love with him but I didn't want him to know it. I didn't have any courage to confess it. So I decided to invent a signature with our names' initials : a capital L and a small c attached to e. The capital L was "lubov" ("love" in Russian) and two small letters were our names ( Cerguei and Ekaterina). It was symbolized Ekaterina love Cerguei. I was writing my new signature on all my notebooks and rough books and nobody could understand why I was doing it. It was like in this video : I thought he would understand it (even it was a secret) and would fall in love with me...

My signature didn't change and even now I use it.

At the age of 10 we were allowed to write with a fountain pen. I decided to follow my schoolmates who had already had this pen and I asked my parents to buy me one.

After the first quiz done with this pen I got an excellent mark without make any effort. So I thought that all my knowledge was in this pen and everytime when we had a really difficult exam I was gnawing it to extract the answer. At the end of a school year it was broken and I was really sad because all my knowledge was contained in this piece of metal.