Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hi Amanda,

I'd like to thank you for my stay in Florida. I had a good vacation in your company.
During this stay I made one of my dreams come true : to take a ride in a hovercraft through the Everglades. ...and our fantastic and unforgettable week-end in the city of Baton-Rouge in Louisiana is engraved in my memory forever. I was very surprised to see Americans speaking French in the streets. The cajun food is really delicious and even now I perceive flavour of the walnut pie and jambalaya.
I want to say that in Florida I made me feel at home, I'm happy because I have a friend like you and as for my voyage I haven't any regrets. I just think it was very short. My bagages and my heart are plenty of souvenirs.
Don't forget my invitation. I'm dying to relive these moments one more time but now in France .
The oceans divide the continents but not the hearts of real friends.

Hope to hear from you soon.


PS I enclose a few photos I've taken during my stay in USA.

our ride in a hovercraft

walnut pie


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