Sunday, March 20, 2011

"Pagan" beliefs.

I had my first love when I was at school. His name was Cerguei. I was secretly in love with him but I didn't want him to know it. I didn't have any courage to confess it. So I decided to invent a signature with our names' initials : a capital L and a small c attached to e. The capital L was "lubov" ("love" in Russian) and two small letters were our names ( Cerguei and Ekaterina). It was symbolized Ekaterina love Cerguei. I was writing my new signature on all my notebooks and rough books and nobody could understand why I was doing it. It was like in this video : I thought he would understand it (even it was a secret) and would fall in love with me...

My signature didn't change and even now I use it.

At the age of 10 we were allowed to write with a fountain pen. I decided to follow my schoolmates who had already had this pen and I asked my parents to buy me one.

After the first quiz done with this pen I got an excellent mark without make any effort. So I thought that all my knowledge was in this pen and everytime when we had a really difficult exam I was gnawing it to extract the answer. At the end of a school year it was broken and I was really sad because all my knowledge was contained in this piece of metal.


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